S3 E6 The Golden Ram: The Constellation of Aries

What connects a golden-fleeced ram, a goddess crafted from clouds and  a set of twins? Davina the Diviner reveals all. The key to your destiny may lie in the stars.   Written by Morag Cross. Directed by Bibi Jacob. Featuring: Morag Cross as Verity, Helle & Nephele, Bibi Jacob as Davina & Ino. Tom Morton … Read moreS3 E6 The Golden Ram: The Constellation of Aries

07 Erichthonius: The Constellation of Auriga

Greek Myths Erichthonius

A gold-tipped arrow, a gilded casket, a snake-tailed child and two drops of the gorgon’s blood. The goddess Athena narrates her tale of love and power. Starring Sharon Mann as Athena With Dario Costa as Hephaestus and Homer, Morag Cross as Daughter 2 and Bibi Jacob as Erichthonius and Daughter 1 Written and directed by … Read more07 Erichthonius: The Constellation of Auriga