of the Night Sky
Greek and Roman Myths about the stars and constellations

Late Night Classics with Bibi Jacob.
Bees are often linked to prophesy in Greek mythology. But when a swarm of wild bees settles in her garden, Bibi turns to Virgil’s Georgics and, surprisingly, another descent to Hades.
Extracts are from Book 4 of Virgil’s ‘Georgics’ translated by H. R. Fairclough; from Book 10 of Pausanias’, ‘Description of Greece’, translated by WHS Jones and from the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, translated by H. G. Evelyn-White.
All translations are in the public domain.
The title of this episode, ‘For a Swarm of Bees’, comes from an Anglo-Saxon metrical charm used to magically prevent bees from swarming!
The original violin compositions in this episode are by Chloe Dunn.
Sound and production by Geoff Chong.
Listen to our retelling of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth: https://bit.ly/44kYzCd

Original Audio Drama...
with spectacular soundscapes, based on the Greco-Roman myths behind the constellations. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob, these moving and sometimes humorous tales, brim with tragedy, injustice, and violence.

Original audio drama with spectacular soundscapes, based on the Greco-Roman myths behind the constellations. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob, these moving and sometimes humorous tales, brim with tragedy, injustice, and violence.
What connects a golden-fleeced ram, a goddess crafted from clouds and a set of twins? Davina the Diviner reveals all. The key to your destiny may lie in the stars.
Written by Morag Cross.
Directed by Bibi Jacob.
Morag Cross as Verity, Helle & Nephele,
Bibi Jacob as Davina & Ino.
Tom Morton as Aeëtes and the Messenger.
Ciaran Cresswell as Phrixos.
Nigel Pilkington as the Newspaper and Market Vendors.
Sound and production by Geoff Chong.
A big thanks to Nige.

Look up and listen...
Each episode tells you the stories behind the stars and constellations, based on Greek & Roman mythology.
Season 3 is here
Check out Season 2
Check out Season 1
- (Greek mythology) The transformation of a hero or mythological creature, after death, into a star or constellation

'A large part of Greek myth is politico-religious.'
Robert Graves, The Greek Myths
‘Greece is the home of the gods; they may have died but their presence still makes itself felt. The gods were of human proportion: they were created out of the human spirit.’ Henry Miller, The Colossus of Maroussi
Then Man was born:… though all other animals are prone, and fix their gaze upon the earth, he gave to Man an uplifted face and bade him stand erect and turn his eyes to heaven.”
Ovid, Metamorphoses
Reference material
Some of our sources
‘The Greek Myths' The Complete and Definitive Edition. Penguin 28.09.2017
‘The Library of Greek Mythology' Translatedwith introduction and notes by Robin Hard. Oxford World's Classic 01.08.2008
‘Metamorphoses’ Translated by A. D. Melville and With an Introduction and Notes by E. J. Kenney. Oxford World's Classics 15.04.2009
‘The Callisto Myth from Ovid to Atwood. Initiation and Rape in Literature' McGill-Queen's University Press 1988
‘The Mapping of the Heavens' British Library Publishing 2018.03.19
‘Constellation Myths with Aratus's Phaenomena' Oxford World's Classic 2015.08.01
‘Celestial Atlas' White Star Publishing 2018.10.09
‘Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion’ Cambridge University Press 1903
‘Ion' (from 'Orestes and Other Plays’). Translated by Robin Waterfield. Oxford World's Classic 26.03.2009
‘The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony’ Penguin Classics 25.07.2019
‘The Homeric Gods: the spiritual significance of Greek religion' Translated by Moses Hadas. Thames and Hudson 1955
‘Star Myths of the Greeks and Romans : A Sourcebook’ Phanes Press U.S. 01.09.1997
‘Star Tales: Revised and Expanded Edition'. The Lutterworth Press 28.06.2018
‘The Iliad’ Bernard Knox (Introducer) Robert Fagles (Translator) Penguin Classics 27.02.1992
Nicholas Richardson (Introducer) Jules Cashford (Translator) Penguin Classics 24.04.2003
‘Snakes with Wings & Gold-digging Ants.’ Penguin Great Journeys 01.02.2007
The Complete Greek Tragedies.
‘Euripedes III and IV.’ Edited by Grene and Lattimore. The University of Chicago Press
‘Helen, Phoenician Woman, Orestes’.
Edited and translated by David Kovacs.
Loeb Classical Library.
‘Works and Days.’ Translated by A. E. Stallings. Penguin Classics
Get in touch
copyright ©Monkeybird Productions 2025
Credits: timelapse video by TimeLapse in Japan; background images – Haemisphaerium Stellatum Australe Antiquum & Haemisphaerium Stellatum Boreale Antiquum in Andreas Cellarius, Harmonia Macrocosmica.
Production, sound design and visuals by Geoff Chong